Our experienced dentists can safely and gently complete your wisdom teeth removal in our state-of-the-art dental practice. Aria Dental can accommodate emergency and immediate wisdom teeth removal services and offer you a range of sedation options to keep you completely comfortable – call our reception team to book your appointment.

Why you may need wisdom teeth removal

The best way to know if you have a wisdom tooth and where they are positioned is to have an x-ray. This will show if they are impacted or stuck under the gums and if they are likely to present any problems.

Your wisdom teeth may not need to be removed if they are healthy, positioned correctly/biting properly with their opposing teeth, have grown in completely, and are causing you no issues. However, wisdom teeth without room to grow appropriately may cause problems and pain. 

Today, many young adults (usually between 18 and 25 years) experience problems as their wisdom teeth try to push through their gums. The teeth become impacted with insufficient space, and specific problems can develop.

Common wisdom teeth problems include:

  • Wisdom teeth can grow in at various angles in the jaw, angled, vertically and sometimes horizontally. If not treated, an impacted wisdom tooth that comes through at the wrong angle can be painful and cause infections, crowding or other dental problems.
  • Wisdom teeth can remain completely hidden within the gums if there isn’t room for them to fit. IWisdomteeth becomes trapped within your jaw. If they can’t emerge normally. Sometimes, this can result in infection or can cause a cyst that can damage other teeth roots or bone support.
  • Wisdom teeth can partially emerge through the gums. Because this area is hard to see and clean, wisdom teeth that partially emerge create a passageway that allows bacteria to accumulate around your gums and can cause gum disease and oral infection.
  • A Wisdom tooth can crowd your nearby teeth. If wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to come in properly, they can crowd or damage nearby teeth by pushing against them, causing teeth to shift and create poor alignment

Wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you are experiencing:

  • Pain and swelling
  • Repeated pain and infection of the soft tissue behind the lower last tooth
  • Fluid-filled sacs (cysts)
  • Tumours, cysts and abscesses
  • Teeth crowding and poor alignment
  • Damage to nearby teeth
  • Gum disease and infections
  • Extensive tooth decay 

Many dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth at a younger age before the roots and bone are fully formed, allowing faster recovery after surgery. Therefore, some young adults have their wisdom teeth removed before the wisdom teeth cause problems.

If you suspect or have been told that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, it’s best to act sooner rather than later before any problems develop. The longer you leave them, the more difficult it is to extract them (as the tooth roots become more developed and the jawbone harder) and the more chances you have of developing problems due to impaction.

The decision to remove wisdom teeth isn’t always straightforward. Talk to your Aria Dental dentist about the position and health of your wisdom teeth and find out what is recommended.

Contact us to learn more or book a consultation


What is the process to remove your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth surgery is relatively simple but can also be more complex than a standard tooth extraction. Typically, your wisdom tooth removal process will involve the following:

  1. Your dentist will take an X-ray of your mouth to help determine whether the wisdom teeth should be removed and clarify their recommendations. 
  2. Before the dentist starts your wisdom teeth removal, you’ll be given an injection of local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area. If you’re particularly anxious about the procedure, you can opt to have an oral sedative to help you relax. 
  3. If the tooth hasn’t come through the gum, your dentist will make a small incision in the gum to access it. A small piece of the bone covering the wisdom tooth may also need to be removed. 
  4. The wisdom tooth may be cut into smaller parts to make it easier to remove through the opening and make it less traumatic to the tissues. There’s less need to make an incision if the tooth has broken through the gum. 
  5. You’ll feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed, as your dentist may need to widen the tooth socket before taking it out.
  6. You shouldn’t feel any pain as your wisdom teeth are removed because the area will be numb. However, if you do feel discomfort during the procedure, tell your dentist so they can give you some more anesthetic.
  7. Simple wisdom teeth procedures can take just a few minutes per tooth, but it can take longer than 30 minutes if the removal is more complicated, such as a horizontally impacted wisdom tooth

wisdom teeth removal reasons


Sedation Options for Wisdom Teeth Removal

There’s no need to worry about pain with wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth removal can be carried out under local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding areas. But if you’re particularly anxious about the procedure, you may opt to have a sedative to help you relax. 

Aria Dental can offer an extensive range of sleep or sedation options for wisdom teeth extraction perth, ranging from light oral sedatives to relax you or to more extensive IV sedation, where you won’t remember your procedure. If your tooth extraction surgery is more complex, you have dental anxiety, or you’re having multiple extractions, we would recommend considering IV sedation.

Speak to one of our experienced dentists at your appointment about your sedation options for your wisdom teeth removal perth.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

To find out the cost of your wisdom teeth removal, you’ll need to come in for an appointment where you’ll have an examination and an OPG X-ray. Then, depending on whether you require a simple extraction (tooth is above the gum) or a surgical extraction (tooth is below the gum), and if you will be having sedation during your treatment, your dentist will be able to provide you with a treatment cost.

If you have private dental health insurance, it’s likely you’ll get a portion of this cost back as a rebate. The rebate amount will depend on your level of coverage. To determine what this will be, at your appointment, we can run a quote and swipe your card through our HICAPS machine to determine exactly how much money you’ll get back.  We are also an Afterpay dentist and offer buy now, pay later payment options for dental treatment.

After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the recovery time can range from a few days to a couple of weeks. Generally, swelling will reach a maximum after two to three days and then slowly subside. Following the removal of your wisdom teeth, you will be given written and verbal post-operative instructions on how to look after the healing site(s). You’ll also be given analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication. You may have dissolvable stitches in your mouth, and this will be reviewed at your post-operative review appointment.

After the removal of your wisdom teeth, your dentist may give you dissolving stitches, which could take approximately seven to 10 days to dissolve. Your body will form a blood clot after removal, a normal part of the healing process. Try not to dislodge this clot. For the first 24 hours after removal, avoid rinsing your mouth, drinking alcohol or smoking, drinking hot liquids or strenuous physical activity.

Choose the Best Dental Clinic for your Surgery

Aria Dental is a specialist dental clinic. All our dentists are thoroughly trained in current dental practices and have extensive experience in wisdom tooth assessment and removal. If you suffer from tooth pain, have one of our experts check it out.

Your first step

Simply book an appointment at Aria Dental so that our dentist can assess you, which includes taking a full mouth X-ray (OPG) before making an informed decision on the affected wisdom teeth and suggest plans of action.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are wisdom teeth?
Also known as your third molars, your wisdom teeth are your four hind-most molars that usually appear between the ages of 18 and 25.
Where are my wisdom teeth located in my jaw?
Most adults have 32 teeth, including our four wisdom teeth. There are usually two at the upper back and two at the lower back of your mouth. However, they do not usually appear – or attempt to appear until 18 to 25 years of age.
How are wisdom teeth removed?
Wisdom teeth can be removed in a dentist’s chair or hospital. How they are removed and the time taken depends on whether your wisdom teeth have already erupted. If your tooth hasn’t come through the gum, the dentist or oral surgeon will make a small incision into the gum to access it. Often, the dentist will cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make removal easier and less traumatic to the tissues.
Is wisdom teeth removal covered by insurance?
Aria Dental is registered with all health funds. Depending on your level of coverage, you may receive some money back from your health insurance fund. After your initial assessment, we’ll give you a treatment plan and item numbers. Our team will run your health insurance card through our HICAPS machine so you can see exactly how much will be covered by your fund and how much will be remaining (the out-of-pocket expense).
Is wisdom teeth extraction covered by Medicare?
Wisdom teeth removal is not covered by Medicare. However, private health insurance rebates may apply.
Will wisdom teeth removal hurt?
We offer a variety of sedation and sleep dentistry options – as well as administering plenty of anaesthetic so you won’t feel any pain. Your dentist will discuss pain relief and sedation options with you.
How long does it take to recover?
After removing your wisdom teeth, your dentist may give you dissolving stitches, which could take approximately seven to 10 days to dissolve. Your body will form a blood clot after removal, a normal part of the healing process. Try not to dislodge this clot. For the first 24 hours after removal, avoid rinsing your mouth, drinking alcohol or smoking, drinking hot liquids or strenuous physical activity.
Does everyone need their wisdom teeth removed?
Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed; however, many do. For some, their wisdom teeth can push through without any problems of impaction or tooth crowding.
Are wisdom teeth bad?
Wisdom teeth themselves are not ‘bad’. However, for a lot of people, they can cause nasty and often painful problems. Therefore, it’s essential in your late teens to have an x-ray and find out where your wisdom teeth are sitting and if they should be removed. Left undetected, they could become impacted and cause problems with infections, pain, swelling, gum disease or other issues.
How do I know if I have wisdom teeth?
The best way to know if you have wisdom teeth and where they are positioned is to have an X-ray. This will show if they are impacted or stuck under the gums and if they are likely to present any problems.
Can I wait a while before I have my wisdom teeth removed?
If you’ve been told that you need your wisdom teeth removed, we suggest you act sooner rather than later. The longer you leave them, the more difficult it is to extract them (as the tooth roots become more developed, and the jawbone harder) and the more chances you have of developing problems due to impaction.
How can I relieve wisdom tooth pain?
If you have wisdom tooth pain, consult your dentist as soon as possible. In the interim, you can rinse your mouth with hot salty water for 30 to 60 seconds throughout the day, apply a numbing gel-based product such as Benzocaine, or take anti-inflammatory tablets.